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4 Mobile Food Truck Features Ideal For Pizza Cooking

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Mobile food trucks come in many designs and cater to a wide range of foods. If you have an interest in a pizza food truck, then your business model will need a number of unique features. As you shop for mobile food business trailers, consider some key features ideal for a pizza restaurant.

Trucks will the features will make it easier to launch and run your business. Check out the features and ways they cater specifically to pizza businesses.

1. Dual-Windows

Whether you serve personal pan pizzas, slices, or full pies, you want the space to easily hand out pizza to customers. In many cases, you will have people order a custom pizza and then wait for pick-up. Keep your lines organized with a food truck that features two windows. Use one window to place orders and the other for pick-up.

Look for mobile food vending trucks with sliding windows so the windows open and give you maximum space to slide pizzas through.

2. LED Screens

Some of the more modern food trucks feature built-in LED screens on the exterior of the trucks. The LED screens offer great ways to showcase pizza options. Pizza is made a ton of different ways and you have the opportunity to showcase your style and entice customers with high-quality photo streams.

The LED screen offers an ideal way to showcase your menus and specials. You may introduce specialty pizzas or have daily specials based on the ingredients you acquire. Easily change the menu and showcase the specials through LED screen graphics.

3. Built-In Oven

Instead of customizing a truck to fit your needs, shop for a mobile food truck with a built-in oven that can handle your pizzas. You may seek out a traditional oven or a brick oven. Food trucks with a brick oven allow you to cook up a crispy pizza and cook pizzas quickly with the high heat inside the oven.

4. Exterior Storage

Look for a truck with exterior storage options to easily stay organized. For example, if your pizza truck does feature a brick oven, then exterior storage offers an ideal spot to keep fresh logs for use in the oven. Use exterior storage for extra supplies as well. Store flattened pizza boxes in an outdoor area to save space inside the kitchen and access the boxes when needed.

Every mobile food business plan is different, but you can really work around these features to make a pizza food truck all your own.
