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4 Commonly Asked Questions About Corporate Catering

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If you're a business owner or manager, you may want to treat your staff to some good food by arranging corporate catering services. Whether you want to offer your employees food during an important business meeting or at a fun company event, corporate catering services can supply you with all the delicious food that you'll need. If you're unfamiliar with corporate catering, here are some answers to frequently asked questions that can give you a better idea of how this service works.

1. Can I choose the food to serve at my corporate event?

The best corporate catering companies often have a variety of food options from which you can choose. Whether you want sandwiches and chicken wings or steak and lobster served at your event, you can choose a catering company that offers your ideal foods. Some caterers even serve breakfast foods for business events that are held in the morning. You can have standard foods that are available to all guests, or you may allow your employees to order food items of their choice from a menu that you and the corporate catering company have designed.

2. How will the food be served?

Buffet-style is a popular food service choice for many events, and people can get their catered food by lining up at food stations that have been set up at the venue. For a higher-end experience, you may want plated meals to be served at your event and brought to each guest by waitstaff. Boxed lunches that are brought to guests' tables or are available at a pickup table are often popular at corporate luncheons, and each food box may contain a sandwich, chips, and other favorite lunch food items.

3. What should I do if certain people have dietary restrictions?

Before you arrange the corporate catering services, you should find out if any of your employees have dietary restrictions. You can then find out if a particular catering service offers meals that align with these dietary restrictions and have the company prepare special meals for people who may be limited to certain foods.

4. Will I need to do any of the cleanup work?

After the event is over, the catering company will likely take care of all the cleanup work. Many corporate catering services bring their own food service supplies that will be removed and cleaned by the catering staff. The catering company you choose may also wipe down tables and remove trash once the event has concluded.

You can show your employees how much you appreciate their contributions by arranging corporate catering services. Whether you run a small business and only need food for a few employees or oversee a larger company with many staff members, the corporate caterer you choose will be sure to bring the right amount of food.
